Assessing the recycling program of APPLE iPhone 11

Why Apple is count among the top companies. The phone is best in all types of segments, but what other things, Apple – iPhone 11 make it on top. Every company has to learn from apple to the concern of people and the environment.

  1. Free of PVC and phthalates in the chord
  2. Use of Cardboard

Only this makes achieve by Apple; the answer is no…Find out the full report below:

Apple packaging has taken accountability for their products throughout their life cycles—comprise the materials, the people who construct them. And how it recycled at the end of life. So, they focused on the areas on reducing the impact on climate change, preserving essential resources, and using more harmless materials.

 So, Apple Built a First-ever smartphone made with 100% recycled rare earth elements in the Taptic Engine*

What is the Taptic Engine? Twenty-five percent of the total rare earth elements used in the product.








Carbon footprint in iPhone Packaging
Apple making advancements in reducing Apple’s contribution to climate change. By focusing on making energy-efficient products with renewable or recycled materials and with renewable energy.
iPhone 11 uses low carbon aluminum smelted using hydroelectricity rather than fossil fuels, which reduces the associated greenhouse gas emissions by 68 percent. Total product emissions increased slightly—about 6 percent, compared to iPhone XR. Apple committed to using carbon life cycle assessments to identify opportunities to drive down product greenhouse gas emissions.
iPhone11 packaging – Life cycle Carbon emissions
79% Production
3% Transport
17% Use
<1% End-of-life processing

Materials Source
To conserve precious resources, Apple work to decrease the material for use and try to one day source only. And they make this transition and remain committed to the responsible sourcing of primary materials.
They identify and map materials for their products to the farthest reaches of our supply chain, and proudly lead our industry in establishing the strictest standards for smelters and refiners. Apple iPhone product designs also consider the safety of those who make, use, and recycle our products, restricting the use of hundreds of harmful substances. Their standards go far beyond what’s required by law to protect people and the environment.

Apple Box and Shipping

iPhone 11 packaging made with recyclable content and fiber-based materials.
To advance their packaging, they are working to eradicate plastics in packaging, increase the use of recycled content, and use less packaging overall. All of the wood fiber in our packaging material is either recycled or comes from responsibly managed forests. And they have preserved or produced enough managed forests responsibly to cover all the wood fiber we use in our packaging. It makes assures the working forests can regrow and continue to purify our air and water.
  1. 100% of the primary wood fiber in the packaging comes from responsibly managed forests.
  2. 93% of the packaging is fiber-based.
  3. 62% of the fiber content in packaging is recycled

End-of-life processing – iPhone Packaging
It includes transportation from collecting hubs to recycling centers and the energy used in automatic separation and shredding of parts.
Few Things to Notify at the end
Many companies ignored this to calculate the energy/wastage during production. But Apple has also taken the necessary step.
1. Adoption of Greener chemicals: All iPhone 11 final parts supplier sites use safer cleaners and degreasers in their production processes.
2. Zero Waste to Landfill: iPhone 11 final assembly sites do not produce any waste sent to landfill.
3. Utilizing of Supplier energy: All iPhone 11 final assembly production lines have begun transitioning to 100 percent renewable energy for Apple production.

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