A new coating to increase the shelf life of a PET bottle by KHS

The FreshSafe PET® coating method used for aroma retention and stability for oils, carbonated drinks, wine or sauces, and flavoring products in PET bottles. The technique also promotes complete bottle-to-bottle recyclability.

The coating method does not only give long-term product protection and crystal-clear bottles; it also entirely does away with the necessity for additives. And this makes the PET bottle is wholly recycled. With these features, KHS is mainly promoting its customers’ efforts to adopt environmentally-friendly packaging and retain packaging materials in the supply chain for as long as possible.

In FreshSafe coating, PET® benefits of both bottles(PET & GLASS) in one, according to market-proven plant engineering for customers with exceptionally high requirements concerning quality and sustainability. 
A chemically pure glass finishes or a wafer-thin protecting layer of silicon oxide (SiOx) inner wall of the PET container. Thus composing a powerful barrier: aroma and carbon dioxide retained and also oxygen barrier is there in the bottle producing no loss of vitamins or taste.

FreshSafe PET® coating preserves sensitive products such as fruit juices and nectars the same as carbonated beverages. The freshness retained while the shelf life considerably increased. 

So we can assume it is worth applying the barrier system, for example, when bottles (holding less than 500 ml) have to travel long horizons and are subject to varying climatic conditions.

Benefits of FreshSafe PET®

Product protection

A thin layer of glass type protects for sensitive products for all types of beverages, including carbonated drinks. And it makes significant participation in the stability of the product.

Increase Shelf life

FreshSafe PET® coating, no undesired materials enter the PET bottle from the outer body– and valuable ingredients such as vitamins cannot leave. In this way, creative technology can make products an extended shelf life.

Bottle-to-bottle recyclability

Having FreshSafe PET® coating gives the only completely recyclable barrier system currently available on the market. It has validated by several recycling associations, such as the EPBP and APR.

Flexible application

FreshSafe PET® achieves the PET container with its diverse natural support – such as low weight and un-breakable.

Cost benefits

Due to this, innovative technology bottlers can switch to less expensive.

Recyclate coating

FreshSafe PET® coating barrier technology is also fit for coating rPET bottles and biodegradable bottles. 

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