The outer trap material is made up of PET (polyethylene terephthalate), which is rigid and heat resistant. Inside blocks are of softwood impregnated with Methyl Eugenol and Cue-lure.
No-Mate LifeTime is a para-pheromone, draws male fruit flies and tempts them for genital organ development. The shelf-life of the block is one year, and field life is 3-4 months under ambient storage condition.
The product is environment-friendly — no tools needed for the application. The packaging and product is user’s friendly and cost-effective.
Usage of product: Take 5 TRAPS AND 5 BLOCKS PER ACRE
A trap is universal to all the bugs, but blocks are particular to species of fruit bugs. First of all, make a trap to a box frame by securing the bottom and ceiling of the trap. Put the block in the trap within a rectangular slot given on two side surfaces of the trap. Block made of a handle made of plastic string. The handle is to be carried out of the trap through a hole given on the head of the trap and to be fastened at the twig of the tree at height 5-10 feet above the ground.
For crops rather than tree crops, trap elevation may be kept 2-3 feet higher than the ground. Finally, the block endures hanged inside the trap, the handle remains attached with the twig, and the trap automatically adjusts its position. As soon as the traps become full of bugs, they are released just by unfolding the bottom of the traps and are closed again for further catches.